August 16, 2018

0362 - TALKS: Nosso Lar, part 2

Episode 0362 - Nosso Lar, part 2
(Click on the above link, or here, for audio.)

Book review of Nosso Lar/Our Home (Chico Xavier, 1944) by Brent Freemont. Chapters 1, 12, 44 -- the Lower Zone & Darkness, Dr. Luiz' experience prior to the Astral City. Correspondence to Buddhist cosmology: hell realms (Naraka, Sanskrit) & pretaloka (Hungry Ghost realm). Karmic-resultant incarnation from distorted mind-states, hate/passion & varieties of lower chakra blockage. Source: * Astral City (Wikipedia): * Francisco Chico Xavier: * Buddhist Cosmology (Wikipedia): * Naraka (Hell realms: Niraya, Pali): * Becket (film, 1964):

Uploaded to YouTube on 8/10/2018

0361 - TALKS: Nosso Lar, part 1

Episode 0361 - Nosso Lar, part 1
(Click on the above link, or here, for audio.)

Book review of Nosso Lar/Our Home (Chico Xavier, 1944) by Brent Freemont. Introduction to Francisco Chico Xavier & Spiritism, Dr. Andre Luiz & the Nosso Lar book/film, and the 12-part series. Historical dynamics of the multi-century spiritual transmissions to Earth humanity in preparation for harvest & dimensional shift. Source: * Astral City (Wikipedia): * Francisco Chico Xavier: * Spiritism (Wikipedia): * Allan Kardec (Wikipedia):

Uploaded on YouTube on 8/10/2018

0360 - TALKS: Learning Beyond Dogma

Episode 0360 - Learning Beyond Dogma
(Click on the above link, or here, for audio.)

The limits of human mental capacity, levels of mind-development and the scale of intelligence. Dogmatic belief & various challenges to learning; recognizing personal bias and limited view. Ideological defense mechanisms & psychological complexes; emotionalism vs. rigid intellectualism. Unrecognized fears & personal vulnerability; the link between effort and understanding. Overview of 3.2 and 3.3 levels of human development. Dogma (film, Wikipedia):

Uploaded to YouTube on 8/9/2018

0359 - TALKS: Paths to the Summit (Advanced)

Episode 0359 - Paths to the Summit (Advanced)
(Click on the above link, or here, for audio.)

Comparing the Buddhist view of spiritual path with other traditions -- unique features of Buddha-Dhamma, particularly compared to Advaita Vedanta. Comparative views of selfhood, spiritual path & ultimate practice-goal. Dualistic perception in higher states of consciousness, final release from all dukkha & ignorance. From metta (loving-kindness) and ahimsa (harmlessness) to jhanas (meditative absorbtions) and true freedom from avidya (ignorance)-based subjectivity. Spirit, soul and Higher Self; the value of a 7-ray comparative approach. Advaita Vedanta: Chuang Tzu (Complete Works, trans. Arthur Waley):

Uploaded to YouTube on 8/9/2018

0358 - TALKS: Concentration vs Attachment

Episode 0358 - Concentration vs Attachment
(Click on the above link, or here, for audio.)

Brief comments on the subtle differences between attachment and concentration from a Theravadan Buddhist perspective. Samadhi in mindfulness meditation, attending-to vs. grasping-mind activity. Obsession/psychosis, the nature of one's fixity of attention & the spectrum of direction and focus of attention.

Uploaded to YouTube on 7/29/2018

0357 - TALKS: Remarks on Morals and Karma

Episode 0357 - Remarks on Morals and Karma
(Click on the above link, or here, for audio.)

Short comments on karmic seeds' removal, merit transfer & love-light transmission. Personal & collective consequences of modern-day normalization of "wrong speech" and "wrong action." Over-valuation of non-restrained free-willing & progressive social demoralization. The value and limits of self-restraint, recognition of karmic consequentiality & the formation of karmic seeds. * Removal of Asavas (and karmic seeds): * Ra on "Karma" (Law of One, all textual references): * Yama-Niyama (Hinduism):

Uploaded to YouTube on 7/28/2018

0356 - TALKS: Views/Action-Path in Buddha Dhamma, part 23

Episode 0356 - Views/Action-Path in Buddha Dhamma, part 23
(Click on the above link, or here, for audio.)

Extended analysis of core Pali Buddhist teachings, based on the website: Review of Maitripa's Amanasikara teachings, non-subjective attentiveness & core Mahamudra philosophy. Introduction to the Thai Forest Tradition & Ajaan Sao Kantasilo, advanced student-teacher practice dialogue & the necessity of prolonged great effort. Historical integration of 3 Buddhist yanas from Gautama to Maitripa & Ajaan Sao, summary of the path to Sotapanna. Comparisons with Ra Material & Western metaphysics. Image Credit: Richard Dunwoody ( * A Fine Blend of Mahamudra and Madyamaka (Prof. Klaus-Dieter Mathes; Maitripa's amanasikara): * Thailand Forest Tradition: * Kammaṭṭhāna lineage:ṭṭ... * Ajahn Sao Kantasilo: * Ajaan Sao's Teaching:

Uploaded to YouTube on 8/9/2018

0355 - TALKS: Views/Action-Path in Buddha Dhamma, part 22

Episode 0355 - Views/Action-Path in Buddha Dhamma, part 22
(Click on the above link, or here, for audio.)

Extended analysis of core Pali Buddhist teachings from the website: Brief review of the 4 Conditions for Attaining Sotapanna page. In-depth discussion of Maitripada's Tattvavimsika chapter & core teachings of Amanasikara & Mahamudra. Translation from Prof. Klaus-Dieter Mathes (chapter 17; p.187-text, p.201-Scribd file). Comparisons with the Ra Material & Western metaphysics. Note: Sila is the correct Buddhist Pali word for virtue/morality, while Sati is the correct Pali word for mindfulness/attentiveness. Image Credit: Richard Dunwoody ( * 4 Conditions for Sotapanna: * Sotapanna (Wikipedia): * Maitripada (Advayavajra): * A Fine Blend of Mahamudra and Madyamaka (Prof. Klaus-Dieter Mathes; Maitripa's amanasikara teaching): * Twenty Verses on True Reality (Tattvavimsika, Maitripa). Prof. Klaus-Dieter Mathes (chapter 17, p.187-text, p.201-Scribd): * Two Truths Doctrine (Wikipedia): * Ajahn Sao Kantasilo:

Uploaded to YouTube on 7/27/2018

0354 - TALKS: Views/Action-Path in Buddha Dhamma, part 21

Episode 0354 - Views/Action-Path in Buddha Dhamma, part 21
(Click on the above link, or here, for audio.)

Extended analysis of core Pali Buddhist teachings from the website: 4 Conditions for Attaining Sotapanna: review of requirements & consequences. Living in accord with the 3 Marks teaching & original Buddha-Dharma. Initial comments on Maitripada, Amanasikara & Tibetan Vajrayana views of Mahamudra. Comparisons with the Ra Material & Western metaphysics. Note: Sila is the correct Buddhist Pali word for virtue/morality, while Sati is the correct Pali word for mindfulness/attentiveness. Image Credit: Richard Dunwoody ( * 4 Conditions for Sotapanna: * Correct interpretation of the 3 Marks: * Sotapanna (Wikipedia): * Maitripada (Advayavajra): * Amanasikara (Prof. Klaus-Dieter Mathes): * Twenty Verses on True Reality (Tattvavimsika, Maitripa). From Prof. Klaus-Dieter Mathes (chapter 17, p.187-text, p.201-Scribd):

Uploaded to YouTube on 7/27/2018

0353 - TALKS: Views/Action-Path in Buddha Dhamma, part 20

Episode 0353 - Views/Action-Path in Buddha Dhamma, part 20
(Click on the above link, or here, for audio.)

Extended analysis of core Pali Buddhist teachings from the website: 4 Conditions for Attaining Sotapanna: review of requirements & consequences. Living in accord with the 3 Marks teaching & original Buddha-Dharma. Introduction to Maitripa, Amanasikara & Tibetan Vajrayana views of Mahamudra. Comparisons with the Ra Material & Western metaphysics. Image Credit: Richard Dunwoody ( * 4 Conditions for Sotapanna: * Sotapanna (Wikipedia): * Correct interpretation of the 3 Marks: * Maitripada (Advayavajra): * Amanasikara (Prof. Klaus-Dieter Mathes):

Uploaded to YouTube on 7/27/2018

0352 - TALKS: Initial Comments on Astral City (Nosso Lar)

Episode 0352 - Initial Comments on Astral City (Nosso Lar)
(Click on the above link, or here, for audio.)

Psychological bases of attachment to 3D space/time and lower dimensions; dynamics of soul evolution reflected in astral plane location & proximity of Astral City to hell realms. Correlation between teaching & levels of development -- mirroring of form & consciousness. Solitary learning vs. interpersonal non-preferred service; balanced self-determination. Mundane & essential selfhood-inquiry (Sanskrit: ahamvicara; Ramana Maharishi); avoiding spiritual bypass. Astral City, film/book (Nosso Lar):

Uploaded to YouTube on 7/14/2018